
All Site Visitors Should Know...

All information that is used to secure a booking is only to provide security checks to ensure the safety of our beauties. This information will not be passed to any third parties or shared with any other outside interests.

Casual Companions is a professional referral service. All money exchanged in our adult personal services is solely for time and discreet companionship. Fees accepted from clients are for time only. Anything which occurs between the escort and the client during the time paid, is purely consensual between the escort and the client. The ladies listed on our web site are independent contractors over the age of 18 and are responsible for their own actions. The owners/operators of this web site provide advertising and administrative support. We do not condone, encourage any illegal activities.
By your use of the Casual Companions site, you, the USER, agree to fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CasualCompanions, P.A.C.E. World Media Group , its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, server maintainers, and contributors against ANY AND ALL CLAIMS arising out of said use, regardless of the cause, effects, or fault. Under no circumstances will Casual Companions, P.A.C.E. World Media Group , its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, server maintainers, and contributors be liable for any damages from your reliance upon anything derived from this site. Since Casual Companions, has no affiliation or control over, you, the USER, we shall not be held liable for any, interactions between you, the USER and other USERS who may also have officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, or outside contractors over whom we have no control and with whom we have no affiliation.